Smart factory: Is the Industrial Revolution here yet?

The manufacturing industry is becoming real fast in many progressing regions of the world. In the next few years, the manufacturing industry may just become fully ‘smart’ with the evolution of smarter products and 4.0 technological advancements.

Industrial revolution will be there when virtual online advancements will connect to the physical world within one industry. Technologists and business industries are anticipating Internet of Things to be incorporated in the production line. To successfully put into effect the advancement of technologies in the manufacturing industry, the industrialists need to optimize their performance so that the IoT can be effectively put to use.

A fully connected and flexible system is what the smart factory pictures with its advanced automation technology.  Presently, the manufacturing industry is in the evolution state which is far from the documented state of the complete smart factory. It is tapping into multiple features as connectedness, transparency, and agility.

The rapid advancements of technological capabilities have made the realization of the smart manufacturing industry practicable today. Artificial Intelligence, cognitive computing, and machine learning are all getting integrated to give means to systems to adjust, interpret, and most importantly respond to the gathered data of various connected machines.

How are technology and systems vendors are responding to the concept of smart factory systems?
Market research reports reveals insights on the way vendors are perceiving the smart factory systems and adapting themselves to the digital transformation through the investments made.
The vendors are creating new products with manufacturers who are progressively investing in smart factories or their capabilities to lower the risks linked with the possible labor scarcity.

Limtronik GmbH is a supplier of EMS who happens to supply intelligent 3D X-ray inspection system. 
  • GOEPEL was the source for the offered service.
  • Automatic X-ray inspection was first incorporated by GOEPEL.
  • May 2018 was introduced with an update shared by Limtronik.
  • It enabled the system to be surveilled and controlled through the remote workstation.
  • It eventuated to getting results of an inspection, machine statuses and operating times can also be transmitted.
Needless to be stated that the path of industrialist moving toward the smart factory is not of sunshine and rainbows. The pitfalls are there which are limiting the growth of smart production. The characteristic of being ‘connected’ is enough to let the production process be exposed to a cyber-attack which is unlikely to happen in the conventional manufacturing system.

It will be interesting to see how the smart factory gets incorporated into the AI advancements. The shift from a supply chain functioning which typically required to follow a certain sequence for within and outside operations, both. The interconnected and open system now appears to be seamless and hence inevitable. Digital supply is one of the progressive factors which would contribute to the foundation for smart factory and create a competitive environment in the global smart manufacturing market 


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