Around 70% of respondents have opted for UK Private Motor Insurances
UK Private Motor Insurance Market report explores consumer purchasing behavior, and how preferences are changing over time. It discovers what is most influential to customers when purchasing a policy, and also reveals the most popular providers in the market. New trends and innovations are highlighted, as well as the key factors that will influence the private motor insurance market over the next few years. The purchasing preferences of private motor insurance customers changed in 2018. Price comparison websites (PCWs) are now the most popular channel, used by 37.4% of respondents. In a period of record high premiums, customer loyalty has waned: 63.4% of respondents used a PCW to conduct research before buying their latest policy. With the rising prominence of PCWs, more customers are also shifting their purchasing methods online, with approximately 70% of respondents purchasing their motor insurance policy either on a PC or handheld device. Scope - 37.4% of private moto...